论文题目 | 第一作者 | 发表刊物 |
QR-3S: A High Payload QR code Secret Sharing System for Industrial Internet of Things in 6G Networks | 熊礼治 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
Graph classification algorithm based on graph structure embedding | 马廷淮 | EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS |
Secure Service Offloading for Internet of Vehicles in SDN-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing | 许小龙 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS |
Ensemble Learning based Meteorological Cloud Classification Meets Internet of Dependable and Controllable Things | 张敬林 | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL |
A brain-computer interface system for smart home control based on single trial motor imagery EEG | 庄伟 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SENSOR NETWORKS |
A Self-play and Sentiment-Emphasized Comment Integration Framework Based on Deep Q-Learning in a Crowdsourcing Scenario | 荣欢 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
Identifying forged seal imprints using positive and unlabeled learning | 闫雷鸣 | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Service Offloading with Deep Q-Network for Digital Twinning Empowered Internet of Vehicles in Edge Computing | 许小龙 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS |
Multiple source domain adaptation in micro-expression recognition | 张小瑞 | JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING |
Image splicing localization using residual image and residual-based fully convolutional network | 陈北京 | JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION |
A contactless sensing system for indoor fall recognition based on channel state information | 庄伟 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SENSOR NETWORKSJournal of Sensor Networks |
A secure controlled quantum image steganography algorithm | 瞿治国 | QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING |
Fuzzy-based Trustworthiness Evaluation Scheme for Privilege Management in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks | 苗田田 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems |
A Secure Edge Monitoring Approach to Unsupervised Energy Disaggregation using Mean Shift Algorithm in Residential Buildings | 刘琦 | Computer Communications |
A partitioning approach to RFID identification | 苏健 | IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING |
Image Splicing Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network with Weight Combination Strategy | 王金伟 | JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND APPLICATIONS |
Low Rank Component Induced Spatial-spectral Kernel Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification | 孙乐 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY |
A Sensory Similarities Approach to Load Disaggregation of Charging Stations in Internet of Electric Vehicles | 刘琦 | IEEE Sensors Journal |
A serial image copy-move forgery localization scheme with source/target distinguishment | 陈北京 | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
A novel coherence-based quantum steganalysis protocol | 瞿治国 | Quantum Information Processing |
Lightweight and Certificateless Multi-Receiver Secure Data Transmission Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks | 沈剑 | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing |
Capture-aware identification of mobile RFID tags with unreliable channels | 苏健 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
Optimal discriminative feature and dictionary learning for image set classification | 张国庆 | Information Sciences |
Weighted Collaborative Sparse and L1/2 Low-Rank Regularizations With Superpixel Segmentation for Hyperspectral Unmixing | 孙乐 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
Moment-Guided Discriminative Manifold Correlation Learning on Ordinal Data | 田青 | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY |
Secure and Efficient Data Sharing in Dynamic Vehicular Networks | 沈剑 | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL |
Intelligent Offloading for Collaborative Smart City Services in Edge Computing | 许小龙 | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL |
Deep Residual Network with Adaptive Learning Framework for Fingerprint Liveness Detection | 袁程胜 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS |